Solo play is usually the norm in BDO, especially at lower levels. Any rag tag group of adventurers will probably be successful, as long as they are the correct level and have good gear. For example, the “trinity” of tank, damage dealer, and healer classes are not required in BDO.

You will be permabanned for all the above with no warning.Class Importance During Character CreationĬlasses in BDO are not typical of traditional MMORPG’s.
Visible breast/genitalia modifications (including both sexes), clothing/removal mods, or NSFW content of all classes, regardless of lore age or age of appearance. Bikini/underwear or revealing content of any class that lore-wise or appears underage, even if they are purchased in-game. The following is banned: NSFW/lewd/nude/clothing mod/sexualized content of classes that are underage or classes that appear to be under 18 years.Additionally, posts that violate both site Reddiquette and the Content Policy will be removed. If you believe that a post or comment was posted in bad faith or violates rules in an unspecified way, message the moderators or report the post/comment. Content is enforced by moderator discretion.This includes your posts/comments, usernames, and flairs. Do not impersonate other users, streamers, content creators, or official Community Managers or Game Masters.For other regions and the Xbox version, check the respective main discords for links or recruiting channels. Additionally, check out the official EU/NA forums.