Winchester 94ae 45 colt capacity
Winchester 94ae 45 colt capacity

winchester 94ae 45 colt capacity

I have consistently shot ragged one-hole groups at 50 yards with loads varying from 200 to 250 grain lead bullets to 240 to 250 grain jacketed bullets. Mine has the 24" octagonal barrel, and it has been accurate with virtually every load I have put through it. I have had exactly the opposite experience from what you have had. I have one of the Miroku 92's in 45 Colt. Ya ******.figger.a perfect new rifle with a perfect bore with new mechanics and a new sight ought to do better than that.-"The 6" This rifle has given me more fits than that old Model 53 in 25-20. I tell ya.even though that boy of mine gave me the rifle, I feel like I'm gonna fly out there, pull him off that locomotive and give him an old fashioned azz whippin'! (Wait here, I'm 59 and he is 41.and in shape.sorry son, ole buddy ole pal.) (Or however you spell that jerks is a jerk."The Gunny" told me so. I think you know what my skill level brag.but it really does not take a Lonns Wigger to shoot 2" groups at 50 yards. In this Miroku, standard 250 grain bullets go about 3-5" at 50.WTF! This is at any velocity or seating depths or sizing diameters from 451 to 454. My Colt Lightnings in all three calibers will cluster them. Many of my antiques do better, with clusters of a glob at match velocity. Everyone has their expectations of accuracy and mine is 1 to 1 and 1/2" at 50 yards or 3" at 100.tang sight. Some guys claim great accuracy, but.I know what they SHOULD do.

winchester 94ae 45 colt capacity

From what I have been reading, the Miroku is troublesome. maybe Sunday!įorget all of the other brands of rifles.focus on the results are what other guys tell me.terrible. Have to wait till next week and see just what they'll do on paper. I do believe that chamber dimensions are problematic with some rifles. it's been so long since I put them on paper. 44/40, and Winchester saw little need to change anything else.Griff wrote:All 4 of my 45 Colt long guns, (1860 & 1873 Uberti, 1892 Rossi & 1885 Miroku/Winch) are approx. In the whole history of the 73, that was it. two years after that-the gun was chambered for. Winchester offered, at various times, flat or curved butt plates, straight or pistol grips, fancy wood, fancy checkering, and engraving. There were three barrel lengths and three types of barrel contour to choose from. You could get a Winchester 1873 in Sporting Rifle, Special Sporting Rifle, or Carbine models, or as a Military Musket, with magazine capacities ranging from six to 17. In the late 19th century, firearms were made by hand as much as by machine, so factories could build a gun almost any way you wanted. The Winchester took care of business from 150 yards to arm’s length when matters got to that point, you pulled your six-gun.

winchester 94ae 45 colt capacity

This eliminated the need to carry one kind of ammunition for a rifle and another for a handgun. The 73 received a huge boost from Remington and Colt, who began chambering their revolvers for the.

Winchester 94ae 45 colt capacity