If no notification is received and your item is shipped to the incorrect address you(the buyer) will responsible for any additional charges. Notification is also required if your Ebay and Paypal addresses are different. Please notify us through the Ebay Messaging panel. Please modify the address before submitting payment. If your Paypal address does not match the shipping address. Bryce Paypal Preferred: Items can only be shipped to the shipping address that is submitted with your Paypal payment. Digitalintl is a sister-startup of Computersintl. We value your business and pride ourselves on our repeat customers. If you are dissatisfied with any item please contact us so that we may address the issue. Please research the item with the manufacturer to make sure that it will be compatible with your needs. We are a surplus dealer and are not experts on many of the items offered. Location ID: Bryce-H12H BID WITH CONFIDENCE! We strive to describe every item to the best of our ability. Power cord has been fixed by one our technicians. Condition: Pulled from a working environment.

Hilti TE76-ATC Rotary Hammer Drill 220V w/ Case Mouse over images to see larger version Click to view supersize image Hilti TE76-ATC Rotary Hammer Drill 220V w/ Case Item Description: 1 Used Hilti TE76-ATC Rotary Hammer Drill.